Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The future is something that always fills everyone with a sense of uncertainty.  We have no idea what will happen to us.  Most try to plan for what lies ahead, but unforeseen things always tend to pop up out of nowhere. 

I hope that the future of my transition is a smooth one.  More than likely, it will not go as I hope that it will.  I have already taken great strides with transition and have not begun the physical aspect of things as of yet.  I have come to accept myself one hundred percent.  I no longer have doubts about whether I should transition or not.  I am glad I overcame all of my mental barriers before I began to think about the hardships of  physically changing my body..

The next thing I should take some pride in is the fact that my voice is pretty good.  I have not been outed once on the phone.  The worst thing that has happened so far is that my uncle could not tell if my "friend" was a guy or girl.  If that is the worst case that I have gotten into, then this proves that my voice must not sound so bad.  Everyone else who knows my transitions says that I sound fine.  I still have a good bit of practice to making my voice better, but the majority of the work has been completed.  I still have difficulty in believing I actually sound like a woman, but my thoughts will change once I start engaging in activities as the best version of myself.  The voice is one of the hardest things to accomplish in transition, and I have done so before going full time. 

Where does this leave me now?  In 2014 I plan to start on a small dose of hormones and want to look into getting body hair removed.  This will be a battle in itself .  I do not know exactly how I should start this next step.  Then again, there does not really seem to be a set path to accomplishing these two goals.  It seems to be on a case by case basis.

I have climbed further up the mountain than I have realized.  I guess there are advantages to being born under the symbol of the goat after all.   

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